Friday, May 1, 2015

All the Presidents Men Response

Answer the following questions on your own blog by FRIDAY MAY 1ST:
1) What does Bob Woodward have to do to get information about the Watergate break in?
-Woodward has to call people that are connected with or know about the break in. Also interview people that either on the phone or in person. Then have to prove that the information is true.

2) How difficult do you think it was to get information about a story BEFORE the internet? What would reporters have to do instead?
-It was really difficult because they had to do interviews with people, if the person didn't want to be interviewed then they can't do it. Also write down everything, well notes, when in an interview. Finally get it approved by the editor.

3) Why did Bob Woodward have to be careful about not being followed when he met with Deep Throat?
-Woodward was in danger, we learned this later with in the movie. If he would have been caught, he would have been killed.

4) When Carl Berstein (Dustin Hoffman) gives Woodward the name Kenneth H. Dahlberg what does Woodward have to use to find a phone number for Dahlberg?

5) The story of Dahlberg's check ending up in the account of a Watergate burglar ends up being on the front page but it is "below the fold." What does that mean?

6) How did Bernstein get Mitchell (former Attorney General) to confirm that he was the one to control any of the secret funds?

7) What did Donald Secretti do?

8) Why do you think they need so many people to confirm information?
-They need to get so many people to confirm the information because they don't know if the information is true or not. If the person that gave the information was lying, then Woodward would have been sued or lose his job.

9) Why do you think people keep saying how much they "love this country" as they are nervous and unsure about whether to publish the stories? 
-They were probably scared if someone from the country would come after them and do harm against them or their family. 

10) What was the end result of the work done on Watergate by Woodward and Bernstein?
-In the end of the film both reporters was writing the full story of their report. At the same time Nixon was on television being announced as president for his second term.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Attack from the people we are suppose to trust

In South Carolina, a white police officer was charged with shooting and killing a black unarmed man. We have seen many cause of white on black crime, but the difference between the past crimes that happened this year, compared to this one is that it was caught on video. Officer Michael Slager, is being held in the county's detention center with no bail. This video shows the true color in some people in the justice system. In the video, Slager placed handcuffs on the victims, Walter Scott, lifeless body. What does that show you? All this happened Saturday morning. Some people from Ferguson commented on the situation saying that they were finally happy to see some justice.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Good Night and Good Luck

1) Why were CBS executives and its journalists so hesitant about questioning Senator McCarthy?
Well Senator McCarthy has a history of being in the marines so he might have connections with in the system.

2) What method did Murrow and the other journalists use in the first story against McCarthy? Why did they choose this way to tell their story?
There really want a method that Murrow used against McCarthy. Once Murrow heard McCarthy was going to attack him, Murrow was already digging information about McCarthy. So he was waiting for the right time to act.

3) Describe McCarthy's appearance on Murrow's program. In your opinion, was it positive? Negative?
McCarthy's appearance was negative. He was defending himself, but was attacking Murrow (negative). I say this because he was name calling; calling him a leader of a jackle pack. In the movie it seemed that everyone was looking at McCarthy with disgust and disapproval. It seems as if no one liked him

4) Why did Murrow's schedule get changed on CBS from a nightly program to Sunday afternoons?
The reason why Murrow's schedule get change on CBS from a nightly program to Sunday afternoons because no one watches the news at those times. People were watching their favorite TV shows, or movies that played back to back. So basically no one watched the news those days.

5) What does Friendly and Murrow refer to as the "downfall of television?"

6) What ended up happening to McCarthy?

7) What was Murrow's speech at the beginning and the end of the film about?

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Drug use in the public

  City manager Edward M. Augustus Jr. is working on improving the issue of drugs being used outside also in public places. In the article, it stats that not only people overdosed outside but in libraries, the union station, and city hall. Take a second and take that in. In the library you see people of all ages, from children to adults. The people taking these drugs are homeless people, even thou some have a place to stay in the homeless shelter. There is not enough room for all of the homeless people in this community. They cant just move this problem else where because it will only cause more problems. Even thou some district council members have done some work to prevent this from happening, but its still popping up. What more can we do as a community to provide help for the city?

Friday, March 6, 2015

Emotional testimony from bombing victim's father

As the Boston Bombing trial starts up, there has been a lot of things that was looked over. On the second day of the trial, a survivor that lost his eight year old son on that day, took his turn on the stand. William Richard, the father, came to give his testimony even thou he lost his son. The sad thing is there was protesters for Tsarnaev, the bomber, before the trials even started. My question to those people is what if that was your son you lost? Would you still fight for Tsarnaev's rights? On top of that Richards family was also there, His wife, daughter, and his other son Henry. They all have suffered some dramatic injuries that might be permanent. As the day was coming to an end for the trials, Richard says, "I can still hear music. And  I can still hear the beautiful voices of my family." What a way to end the trials. In a personal note, prayers to Williams Richard's family.

Friday, January 9, 2015

“Shouting Fire” Discussion Questions/ Answers

1)   Why do some people believe the First Amendment “goes too far”? 
People say the First Amendment "goes too far" because it contradicts itself. We as US citizens have the freedom of religion, of the press, and a peaceful assembly. It contradicts itself because once something gets expose, rather if its a lie or the truth, they want to go against it. We can say anything that is positive or not offensive to someone. 

 2) What is your reaction to the story of school principal Debbie Almontaser?
I find it very messed up and unprofessional, the reason being is because as a interviewer or a journalist you have to state and record facts about the person you are interviewing. Not twist the words around and make them look like a bad person. Debbie herself organized the organization, but the shirts that was being sold with the Arabic quote is not in any way in a negative form. The interviewer just twisted her words and that's not right. I was upset with the decision that the interviewer made and what happened to Debbie.

3) Sometimes, freedom of speech means protecting speech you don’t agree with. Use an example of one of the freedom of speech stories from the film to help you look for a current event where the discussion of freedom of speech or press is involved.

French men going Mayhem

In Paris there was a standoff in a grocery store, where there was four deaths. One was the attacker and the other three was hostages. As the 2014 passes and 2015 rolls in, there's been a lot hostility going on around the world. From the Mike Brown case, the trials of the Boston bombers, ect. My Question is when are we going to find world peace? Maybe even settle down from all of these current events? Hopefully 2015 brings a change in the world, a good change.