Friday, March 6, 2015

Emotional testimony from bombing victim's father

As the Boston Bombing trial starts up, there has been a lot of things that was looked over. On the second day of the trial, a survivor that lost his eight year old son on that day, took his turn on the stand. William Richard, the father, came to give his testimony even thou he lost his son. The sad thing is there was protesters for Tsarnaev, the bomber, before the trials even started. My question to those people is what if that was your son you lost? Would you still fight for Tsarnaev's rights? On top of that Richards family was also there, His wife, daughter, and his other son Henry. They all have suffered some dramatic injuries that might be permanent. As the day was coming to an end for the trials, Richard says, "I can still hear music. And  I can still hear the beautiful voices of my family." What a way to end the trials. In a personal note, prayers to Williams Richard's family.

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